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Companies supporting gender equality make better business decisions!

Written by ebankIT | Mar 8, 2021 6:38:16 PM

While women represent almost half of the total workforce, only c.33% of tech roles are held by them. An even more imbalanced scenario occurs in Europe, where only 17% of women are ICT Specialists or working in Tech. Efforts to rectify the situation have been earnest, yet there is still a long way to go. According to Womentech network, at the current pace of change, it will take more than 70 000 days until the economic gender gap is closed.

Understanding and believing that companies that support gender equality make better business decisions, ebankIT is proud to announce that 45% of our employees are womenGender equality is a reality at ebankIT, not wishful thinking.

@ebankIT, we strive to attract and retain the best talent by providing optimal workplace cultures. 35% of ebankIT leading roles are held by a female. Feeling safe and empowered, women can be their best - actively advocating and helping the company grow. Gender diverse teams are proven to be more creative, innovative, and specially efficient

It is time to reimagine economies, workforce structures, and industry policies, preparing a fair and more inclusive society, breaking ceilings and expanding far and beyond imagined limitations. ebankIT is joining the effort to dismantle barriers, challenge perspectives and be an active driver of change.